If you share your life with a pet, you know they become more than just pets in the course of things. To some, they are animals. To me, they are adopted sons/daughters who are short, hairy, walk on all fours and don't speak clearly. Although the picture is not of one of my dogs, she does represent the attitude and persona of our female.
Friday Flash 55 is a fifty-five word story posted every Friday. To join in the fun, create and write any story you like in 55 words; no more, no less. Using this link, tell Mr. Knowitall a.k.a. the G-Man, by leaving a comment on his own Flash 55 post.
I used to have a dog that didn't know she was a dog.
Good 55!!
I love that photo and totally agree that dogs are people, too!
How could anyone not respect man's best friend?
Great, heartfelt words - and I love the pic.
our cat thinks she is my boys mother. she checks on them through out the night, lays wit them when they are sick...nice 55.
mine is up!
I totally agree with you. Pets are not animals. They are family. :)
Great 55!
Love/ Jo.
They're all family...no matter. The words bitch and stud are just humanized words...you've got MY respect!!!
This is my 55 this week!
[if you decide to stop by, scroll down below my Show n tell, as always, to find my FF55]
Have a glorious weekend.
I love this one :D
The photo is a scream! just look at that posture!!
Like it or not, they are part of the family!
Excellent 55 Buzzard!
Thank you for taking the time to play today...You Rock!
Please have a Kick Ass Week-End..G
Hi, Buzzard: Oh, my pets are more than animals to me. My cat runs the house fairly smoothly. The poodle guards us well. I am the maid and cook. They have me trained well. D
I can relate. We have two cats who totally know who's boss. You know what they say. Dogs have owners, cats have staff.
Love the picture!
I’m up here.
a wonderful post and i love the photo. i tell my girl Kiya, she is my "best girlfriend in the world" -- and she knows it's true.
Oh can I ever relate. I once had a 115 pound female Rottweiler mix that insisted she.was.in.charge. We had more than a few disagreements on that point.
Our puppy is definitely a member of our family and has a very well defined personality.
cute dog,
i respect your perspective,
animals are part of life in general,
beautiful 55.
Happy Friday!
Take good care,
enjoy your life,
ignore people who disagree,
and have fun!
you rock!
I love brave people!
Lets hear it for the dogs!. Here's my rather gory tale
I've known some cats like that. Some dogs, too.
Great photo. I love my dog like a member of the family. great 55.
This was great! I see who's queen of the roost at your home.
Listen, though...I so loved your comment on my flash 55 and I think you really "got" where I was coming from. Although my 55 could be analyzed on a "spiritual" plane, there was also an "earthiness" to what I wrote as well. Thank you for stopping by!
You just keep rolling along. Bravo once again.
Thanks everyone for the kind words and your support of pets who seem to be more than just companions to most of us.
My two, 4 legged kids [who are Chocolate Labs] have asked me to thank you for pointing out that, like Aretha Franklin, they just want some R-E-S-P-E-C-T. :)
Yep...and they're smarter than half the people I work with. ;)
My dog is my baby. Love this post :)
Well done!
Oh, I so get this! Animals are definitely people too!
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