I tried to apologize, but she wouldn’t have it; still angry over my little transgressions.
I pointed to the sign we had lovingly placed above the bedroom door;
“I Love You to The Moon and Back.”
So what happened, I asked?
Nothing, nothing at all, I just didn’t know you were coming back so soon!
Friday Flash 55 is a fifty-five word story posted every Friday. To join in the fun, create and write any story you like in 55 words; no more, no less. Using this link, tell Mr. Knowitall a.k.a. the G-Man, by leaving a comment on his own Flash 55 post.
He should have knocked :) Welcome to the 55 world. What a great beginning!
I'm up right HERE
Great first 55. You'll soon become addicted. My 55 will be HERE after Midnight Pacific Time. Come see what's up.
LOL. It might take that long to cool down.
I Loved This!!!
What an EXCELLENT first time 55!
I hope that you found this fun, creative, and challenging.
Thanks for playing today, and have a Kick Ass Week-End...G-Man
ouch!!!! great fun 55.
mine's up.
LOL! In a way, your Friday 55 is sort of a sequel to mine (which is posted right here.
Thanks for joining the Friday 55 crowd.
The more the merrier. :)
lol. nicely done. welcome to 55s. You hit it out of the park straight out of the gate.
my 55 is up!
Yikes! Great one.
I'm up,
nice job for the first time soon you'll be looking forward to every friday night. Welcome to the 55ers club we all have a blast here we hope you find it to be fun too. I'm up just follow the link below.
Romance In The Air
Thanks for the comments you all leave on "This Blog Of Mine" I appreciate the time and effort it takes to visit each blog and leave the comments. I feel I have to express how much I appreciate them and each and every one of you
Thank You Larry.
Great first effort ~ hope to see you play every week!
I'm up:
Friday Flash 55 ~ Know
Choking....this was a hoot. I love it....AND!! Love the snow angel below too.
TIGER TEARS is my 55 this week.
Poor guy. Moody wife. Good 55.
hee hee now what?
Great 55
Loved it and your blog!
Love it. Brilliant.
Welcome to 55.
have you a great weekend.
very witty!! glad you joined the 55 gang.
have a wonderful weekend,
From one new 55er to another, welcome. You're going to discover what fun this is really quickly.
Great 55. Come back and give us some more!
Thank you all for the warm and enthusiastic welcome. I do plan on participating weekly.
The originality and thought you all provide through your 55's is an inspiration.
This made me chuckle out loud. I completely understand the sentiment!
Today is my first 55, too. 55 Flash Fiction Friday
Thanks for your most kind comment on my 55. Happy birthday, indeed.
This is hilarious!
He should have brought pasta. That's how you rope the moon...
Excellent 55, mate. Welcome to the fifty-five-ness.
Mine's over here.
:D that is to funny
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