Karen sighed, as she carefully draped the kitchen towel over the oven handle to dry. Dinner was done, laundry washed and folded, and the awful mess cleaned up in the kitchen. If Ken would have been more receptive, she thought, we could have avoided the whole episode. She just wanted to take that walk now.
Friday Flash 55 is a fifty-five word story posted every Friday. To join in the fun, create and write any story you like in 55 words; no more, no less. Using this link, tell Mr. Knowitall a.k.a. the G-Man, by leaving a comment on his own Flash 55 post.
an awful mess indeed....where did you get that crazy picture! oh my! chilling 55!
mine is up!
When Sunday roast is carved with an axe, you'd better say you like it...
Yikes! That picture is a nightmare!
Makes the 55ve more 'visual'
This reminds me of an Oprah book I once started at Barnes & Noble and never finished.
Great mysterious piece. Sad, of course. But well done, and effective.
Great minds think alike...
Excellent 55 My Friend!
Darkness prevails a bit this week.
Thanks for playing, and have a Kick Ass Week-End.
BTW...LOVED your before and after pics
Temper temper
this would make a great story (in more than 55)
moon smiles
Its my kind of story...
love the way the picture completes the story.
ACK...what a mess. What a picture my friend. Excellent. Have a wonderful Friday :)
scary 55!
Clever picture and a 'ouch' story.To hear or read my non-PC illustrated Friday 55 click here. Warning you may have to read the footnote after to make sense of it!
Ha! Would have meant something else entirely without the visual to go along with it...
Nice job on the 55!
Really great write . . . captured an all too often scene I imagine, I've screwed that up!
Mine is here
Hi Buzz,
An awful mess indeed. And from nothing to do with dinner, methinks. Chillingly effective. Questions hanging like a good 55 does.
Yeah walk it off.
Nice 55.
Damn fine 55! Still laughing. I'm with Brian, where did you get that picture????
Well, I am sure Ken desired what he got.
That was meant to be
I doubt if he desired it.
spooky !!!!
Okay, it took me a minute, but I get it. Laughing, little slow today. Great 55!
I am ready for a walk too in that situations...
an award for you in my 55 post,
Not unfamiliar after-dinner thoughts... whew, I think I could use that walk myself. Nicely done!
I can see what he got for dessert. Yikes.
Creepy....great, but creepy. Loved it.
I thought...that sounds like me, until I saw the pic, hehe.
Mine’s here.
Oh, this leaves me wanting more of the story because my mind sees that picture and is thinking dark, dark thoughts.
Distressing thought...
I hope Karen took that walk, and cleared her mind... Ken too...
A thought provoking 55!
This is fabulous!
Off with their heads! sometimes you guys really get to us...:D
Nice one!
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