I thought I would share the before and after portraits.

The first photo was taken in October, 2009, the second in May of this year. Thanks to my dear wife's concern, the many great doctors and nurses, and my own hard work and determination not to repeat past mistakes, I am a new man. I have lost 65 lbs. to date, and live a very healthy and active lifestyle.
Thanks sweetheart for your concern and continued support.
Your ole Buzzard
A striking difference in about six-months time, Buzz. Thank goodness that our wives notice things we don't (or we refuse to notice), and for the doctors and technology I was talking about last week.
You look and feel like a new man, so the work to maintain is well worth it.
Good call Wifey.
The after looks pretty snazzy.
i have to tell ya', both pics were just great!! after reading what you went through i'd have to say that this was truly a good thing that you listened to that wise gal of yours :0 guess she'd like to keep you around for awhile?...i can't imagine why, though!
looking great - hats off to the wife
Wow! You look great now. It's so nice you had someone to kick you in the butt!
Your wife most likely saved your life, Buzzard. So glad that you made it through and with flying colors, from the looks of it!
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