But boys will be boys; curious, they were puzzled at how the outdoor clothes dryer actually worked.
Friday Flash 55 is a fifty-five word story posted every Friday. To join in the fun, create and write any story you like in 55 words; no more, no less. Using this link, tell Mr. Knowitall a.k.a. the G-Man, by leaving a comment on his own Flash 55 post.
Ha! That would be educational! :)
Mine will be up in the next couple hours...
PS - my word veri is "swoodler", which I sort of think goes well with your post, although I'm not sure why.
ha. great slingshot material you know...smiles. nice 55 buzzard...great to see you!
For the life of me, I could never get those old dryers unhooked.
Another fantastic amd fun 55.
LOL! Boys will be boys.
Honey... I shrunk the kids...!
LOL.. this is very cool. Funny thing is I understood those better than the electrical ones. Excellent my friend. Have a wonderful Friday :)
That woman has some big... laundry bills I'm certain -lol
my 55s need to be more serious (I think)
smiles from the Moon
Talk about Granny Panties!!
Loved your 55...
Welcome Back.
Hope you had a Great Summer.
Thanks for playing, and have a Kick Ass Week-End...G
Ha! I say a tree is never a tree without some unmentionables-- whoops, I mentioned them -- hanging from it.
I think your 55 is underwired for sound!! :)
and I think I'm gonna like it here a lot!!
very smart 55,
a clever way to show reality in life...
You mean they understand the INDOOR one? Good laugh today. Thanks
Mine's here
ha - ha - wanted to know how the dryer worked - eh? plain technical interest...smiles
Did a belly laugh at this. If you want to hear (yes hear!) or read my Friday 55 Flash fiction then click here. Hope you have a good weekend!
Now there's an oxymoron - Jumbo smalls! Quite an educational experience!
At least they weren't animal prints or something like that... the poor boys would really have been puzzled then!
DEFINITION: a place where Earl is when he's drunk
This is hilarious!
Ha ha .. boys will be boys. I bet they are thinking of the outdoor clothes drier ONLY... fun 55..
mine is here
hehehe...this was fantastic!!!
Boys will be boys, yes.. the picture even got ME wondering for a few seconds! :)
A real cute 55!
OMG!! how wonderful to see you again, dear friend! your 55 is hilarious, as i can only imagine that you are :) take care and give my best to mama bird ;)
Oh, my god, I thought mine were bad. I think I would opt to hang mine inside if they looked like that. No wonder they call them
"unmentionables"! They should be "out of sight, out of mind".
Most of my education along these lines was of the stumbling into the truth kind. Cute 55.
Thanks for visiting and commenting.
How funny! I just love this. Great 55.
i'm back...again :) but this time it's to give you a swift kick and a big hug for leaving the wittiest comment on my blog...proving two things to me. one, you ARE as ornery as ever, the vacay from blogging probably did you some good. and two, i should never let my guard down when you're in town ;)
take care you ol' buzzard :) now if you excuse me i've got some socks to mend...
That's quite the visual! LOL! A very entertaining 55.
Lol@ brian! :D
Yes to some in the present generation that would actually be puzzling!
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