It's not funny; this holiday needs to be regulated by someone with authority!
I mean there are a lot of scary freaks and perverts out there.
Honestly, would you want your children near any of these Easter Bunnies?

If I were reincarnated, I'd want to come back as a buzzard. Nothing hates him or envies him or wants him or needs him. He is never bothered or in danger, and he can eat anything. – William Harrison Faulkner
Live simply. Love generously.
Care deeply. Speak kindly.
Leave the rest to God.
Oh, not just no... but HELL NO.
'Em are some very, scary evil wabbits.
Mine is a juicy combo-pack this week- it is here and also, just because I couldn’t stop myself… also, here.
No wonder kids are afraid of the Easter Bunny!
Wow, that last one in particular, simply sinister! They can send those easter bunnies packing, I'll stick with Easter's real meaning.
My 55 is Sackcloths of Despair
i am afraid...very afraid....terrifying 55!
mine is up!
Uh. Yeah. Seriously creepy. The Girl says that second one looks like a serial killer.
Creepy Coneys...
Excellent 55 My Friend.
Not exactly Joyeous Holiday Bunnies, but it made a Great Contribution.
Thanks for visiting and playing, and have a Kick Ass Week-End...G
I hear you!
Are these kids being punished?
Wow! We don't have those kind of bunnies this far North, thank goodness!
Happy Easter, Buzzard!
They need to be swallowed by a buzzard.
Give me back Peter Cottontail.
Now that last one is scary.
The third one down is one scary picture. That's kid is scarred for life! My story is here
That last one looks downright sinister!!!!
Mine is posted HERE. As always, scroll down below my Friday Show n Tell to find my 55.
Have a great holiday weekend.
The kid in the second picture worries me..
And the last bunny. yikis.
Thanks for the laugh
My 55 are up
I am scared. i may have nightmares now. Jeez.
Oh wow! haha, those aren't great rabbits. Happy Easter!
My 55 is here if you'd like to read.
The last one...aaaaa!
Oh HELLS NO!!!! Easter Bunnies from hell, LOL. Great 55!
Ever see this?
I’m up right HERE
The second "bunny": I wonder where his right hand is, assuming it's a male.
And I thought it was only clowns that scared kids.
What a fantastic colection of creepy bunnies. Lovin' it. My 55 is HERE.
daring 55,
you great writer!
Oh, I like the second bunny, he's certainly good at "sneekin a feel"!! Hey can we invite him over for dinner??
That last one is going to give me nightmares! Yikes!
Thanks for a most interesting take on the ol' Bunny. How ironic...I just got home from hiding Easter Eggs for a City wide, annual event. [Work related: I'm in Recreation]. And we had TWO bunnies for the kids to have photos taken with: one "Dark" chocolate, one "White" chocolate. Yes, too PC for me. :)
Oooo. Beyond creepy. Make a good horror movie: Night of the Easter Bunnies. That would be eggstra scary, no? Make you a basket case. (Sorry, I'm tired this afternoon. D)
LOL...Great take on the 55. No wonder kids always cry...buck teeth and all. Happy Easter to you and your family :)
Those last two dudes are some dark-eyed bunnies. I love the look on the girl's face in the third shot. She knows what she's dealing with just ain't right.
I don't think any kid wants a live giant stuffed strange beast anywhere nearby. And these kids aren't crying. I love the black hands on the white rabbit.
thank you for sharing your photo collection, writing and sense of humor
I would like to wish you and your family
Many Easter Blessings and have you a great Easter!
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