It's been over a month now since my heart attack and subsequent surgery. Neighbors and friends will drop by and the conversation eventually leads to the question, how much weight have you lost? I tell them I am on a medical weight loss program, and have lost about 40 pounds since November. Most go ahead and bite at that point, asking me how a program like that works. I tell them, it's a B.I.T.C.H. to begin with, but the results are unbelievable. First they split open your sternum, spank your heart several times, pull some veins out of both your legs and chest, replace a few arteries, and VOILA... over the next few weeks and months a dramatic, or maybe it's a traumatic effect comes over your whole body.
Not too much interest in this program, once you explain it to them. I have seen commercials on TV that talk about medical weight loss programs all the time. Now I know what they are.
Somewhere along the way, the talk switches to how much weight they need to lose, and how they intend to deal with it. It's tough, as I said, I have dealt with it most of my adult life. A couple of friends have offered up tread mills, stair steppers, and other assorted exercise machines that can be currently found in their basements or garages, now used as coat and storage racks. But, as my wife and neighbors know, I have an aversion to structured activities, and especially anything that resembles an exercise routine. The on going joke among them, is you can always find that old Buzzard sitting in his recliner.
I love this old recliner, it fits my butt well. It's placement is such that I have a clear view out the front door to the top of the hill, a beautiful view out the back window to the mountains and beyond, a side view at the TV and full view of all household activities that may be going on. I blog, "Facebook," and read my email using my laptop there, nap from time to time, read, listen to music, and bond with my dogs. It's the perfect peach for an old Buzzard like me. Recently, I have come to believe this chair is an important part of my weight loss program. Yea, that's it, my own customized exercise machine of sorts, up down, up down, lean back, lean back, up down up down...
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